pickle.load denial of service


This resource is maintained for historical reference and does not contain the latest vulnerability info for Python.

The canonical database for vulnerabilities affecting Python is available on GitHub in the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) format. This vulnerability can be viewed online at the Open Source Vulnerability Database.

A bug in pickle.load() function can cause memory exhaustion denial of service.


  • Disclosure date: 2018-09-13 (Python issue bpo-34656 reported)

Fixed In

Python issue

[CVE-2018-20406] memory exhaustion in Modules/_pickle.c:1393.

  • Python issue: bpo-34656
  • Creation date: 2018-09-13
  • Reporter: shuoz


Modules/_pickle.c in Python before 3.7.1 has an integer overflow via a large LONG_BINPUT value that is mishandled during a “resize to twice the size” attempt. This issue might cause memory exhaustion, but is only relevant if the pickle format is used for serializing tens or hundreds of gigabytes of data. This issue is fixed in: v3.4.10, v3.4.10rc1; v3.5.10, v3.5.10rc1, v3.5.7, v3.5.7rc1, v3.5.8, v3.5.8rc1, v3.5.8rc2, v3.5.9; v3.6.10, v3.6.10rc1, v3.6.11, v3.6.11rc1, v3.6.12, v3.6.7, v3.6.7rc1, v3.6.7rc2, v3.6.8, v3.6.8rc1, v3.6.9, v3.6.9rc1; v3.7.1, v3.7.1rc1, v3.7.1rc2, v3.7.2, v3.7.2rc1, v3.7.3, v3.7.3rc1, v3.7.4, v3.7.4rc1, v3.7.4rc2, v3.7.5, v3.7.5rc1, v3.7.6, v3.7.6rc1, v3.7.7, v3.7.7rc1, v3.7.8, v3.7.8rc1, v3.7.9.


Timeline using the disclosure date 2018-09-13 as reference: